Nicholas Ryan Howard
Author. Philosopher. Creator.

Nicholas Ryan Howard is an author, philosopher, and expert in the field of creativity. He was educated at the University of Southern California in Communications and trained as a master facilitator in Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica, where he later served as a director. As a media producer and content creator he has worked on such properties as The Bourne Identity, Harry Potter, and Star Wars, and in the technology sector he has overseen projects for corporations such as Mattel, Sony, and Panasonic. He is the visionary behind the epic Legends of Grim saga, the best-selling poetry collection Mercenary at Midnight, and the acclaimed podcast Of Tears and Blood. Currently he spends his time dreaming up new worlds, counseling individuals on their expansion of consciousness, consulting with organizations, and speaking around the globe.
The following projects were conceptualized, produced, and released by Nicholas Ryan Howard. At the core of each of his creations are a mix of ferocious ingenuity and fiery conviction. While he believes in the power of independence, collaboration is the very soul of his creations; a vast number of incredible artists have lent their talents to his visions. The result is always top-tier production values for initiatives that strive for the highest level of quality attainable. His work spans a variety of formats and always pushes the boundaries of what is possible for each medium.
Mortal Enemy
Legends of Grim #1
A Novel and Audio Experience by Nicholas Ryan Howard
Mortal Enemy: Legends of Grim #1 is a tale like no other. It is a relentless whirlwind of action and adventure. A saga of conflicted heroes and devious villains. A journey rife with darkness and struggle, yet also wicked humor. It is jam-packed with nightmarish scenarios, fantastical environments, rich mythology, incredible weapons, unique technologies, and characters dripping with personality, with shocking surprises awaiting you at every turn. Come experience Death… if you dare.

Of Tears and Blood
Exploring the Raw Truths of the Creative Process
A Podcast by Nicholas Ryan Howard
Of Tears and Blood is a journey into the creative consciousness focussing on those who have spilled blood, sweat and tears in relentless pursuit of their craft. This podcast features intimate interviews with talent who have created and performed on the public stage, and facilitation of those who are working through their deepest challenges. The host, Nicholas Ryan Howard, and his guests, unapologetically take the most honest, raw, and vulnerable approach possible to the topic in a way others never have.

Mercenary at Midnight
A Collection of Gutsy Verse
Written by Nicholas Ryan Howard
Mercenary at Midnight is a blazing assembly of verse, prose, and poetry written by bestselling author Nicholas Ryan Howard. Crafted in the moments of utmost vulnerability, and always after the midnight hour had struck, the poet journeys without allegiance into the harrowing land of introspection armed only with a combination of daring, desperation, and mettle.

Skii: Furious Heart
A "Legends of Grim" Tale
A Novella by Nicholas Ryan Howard
In the bitter cold… in the vicious winds… in the harshest snow… only one hunter has the skill to survive: Skii Tavee. Gifted beyond her years, she has become emboldened by her abilities. An unmatched prowess in tracking, stealth, and hunting has assured her status as an asset to The Grizz, the tribe of warrior nomads who have offered her amity. However, her fierce independence and remarkable aptness in the wild has given rise to an uncertainty: does she need them as much as they need her? Find out in Skii: Furious Heart, a novella in the Legends of Grim series.

The myriad of projects spearheaded by Nicholas Ryan Howard is but one area where he applies his expertise. A core tenet of his personal belief system is to be of service; from consulting with major organizations to guiding up-and-coming individuals, his passion for elevating others on their journey is unsurpassed. His approach to supporting others in their growth and initiatives is rooted in empathy, understanding, and kindness while simultaneously fueled by passion, steadfastness, and empowerment.
NRH Media
Design and Production
Founded by Nicholas Ryan Howard
Under the label NRH Media, Nicholas Ryan Howard has designed, consulted, and created with some of the biggest media enterprises on the planet. Yet, equally as fulfilling are the collaborations with independent creators, nonprofits, and organizations to support their artistic and business goals. With his careful eye and precision expertise, he is committed to elevating, supporting, and enhancing the visions of others.

Creativity Counseling
Powerful Revelatory, and Courageous Expansion
Facilitated by Nicholas Ryan Howard
Nicholas Ryan Howard, M.A., has facilitated hundreds of clients in his more than a decade of experience. Sessions are powerful and revelatory, leading to enhanced levels of empowerment and access to the highest peaks of life mastery and creativity. Focusing on attuning to one's authentic voice, achieving emboldened levels of self-expression, and courageous expansion into new projects and life ventures, these sessions are designed to remove the obstacles standing in the way of fulfilment, joy, and freedom. From this place of elevation, clients are given the opportunity to experience enhanced levels of life performance to make even more meaningful contributions to the world aligned with their passions.

Speaking and Consulting
For Corporations and Organizations
Spearheaded by Nicholas Ryan Howard
Nicholas Ryan Howard has served as a Creative Consultant for major brands, organizations, and high-profile individuals. Utilizing his diverse experience that ranges from adventurous solopreneurs to established Fortune 500 companies, he has brought education, growth, and prosperity to his roster of clients. As a public speaker, his expertise lies in creative empowerment, clarity of communication, and consumer-facing through narrative.

Created in Quarantine
An Online Community
Founded by Nicholas Ryan Howard
Founded on the belief that creativity has no barriers, this thriving online community helmed by Nicholas Ryan Howard is dedicated to sharing and discussing projects created during voluntary and involuntary quarantine periods due to the recent pandemic. Astounding creations, wonderful endeavors, new businesses, paintings, poems, films, workshops, and so much more have all been born through the support and affinity of the members.